Thursday, 28 September 1939
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock,Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
asked the Minister of Labour whether he will, in view of the increased cost of living, request the Unemployment Assistance Board to increase the allowances to unemployed persons in all suitable cases?
asked the Minister of Labour whether he will give figures showing the number of miners that are unemployed in Wales, England and Scot land, respectively?
asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that, in spite of the Government's appeal and the support accorded to it in the Press, many newspapers are themselves dismissing large numbers of...
asked the Minister of Labour whether he will give an assurance to the House that secondary schools shall not be removed from contact with, the ordinary juvenile employment bureaux; and separate...
asked the Minister of Labour whether he will consider, in con sultation with trade unions, extending facilities for overtime where this appears to be essential?
asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that a firm carrying out camp contracts is advertising in the Press offering to men the attaction of an 80-hour week with full overtime rate,...
asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware of the growing need for pattern-makers, moulders, tool-fitters and instrument-makers; and is he satisfied with present arrangements and the fixing...
asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware of the difficulties that have been created on the railways through drivers, firemen, and cleaners leaving the railway service; and, in view of the...
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether he is satisfied that local authorities are making adequate provision to ensure that school children entitled to a free solid...
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether it is proposed to make arrangements for the education of the children of school age left in London; whether he is aware that...
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether, in view of the Board's announcement that a training college in an evacuation area may be reopened under conditions, he will...
asked the Minister of Health whether he has given consideration to a proposed scheme from the city of Hull Corporation for the relief of distressed persons in war time; and what financial...
asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the fees for burial of persons outside the area in which they normally reside are usually double those for residents, sometimes much more;...
asked the Minister of Health whether he can arrange some method by which the local authorities in the reception areas and the teachers who accompanied the children into those areas can...
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to serious deficiencies in air-raid precautions equipment in the urban district of Aldridge,...
asked the Home Secretary whether he will consider authorising a free supply of necessary Material to anyone resident in an evacuation or a neutral area who has not yet been supplied with an...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware of the feelings aroused, especially in depressed areas where unemployment is rife, against persons being engaged in paid posts as air-raid wardens who...
asked the Home Secretary whether his regulations provide that the hotel proprietor or the occupier of a hotel room is liable for an infraction of the black-out regulations due entirely to the...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is now able to state the progress made by the special tribunals which are reviewing all cases of German, Austrian, and Czechoslovakian refugees; and, in view...
asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the wide-spread desire of workers to get home before darkness sets in, he will consider an adjustment of Home Office regulations during the winter...
asked the Home Secretary what is the estimated weekly cost to the local authorities and Government combined of those employed to stand by in case of air raids, including wardens, firemen,...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that under the Civil Defence Act tenants, not landlords, of commercial buildings are under obligation to provide a night fire-watching party as well...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware of the lack of standardisation of air-raid precautions signs of every description and their lighting; whether any instructions on the subject have...
asked the Home Secretary whether any steps are to be taken to deal with the illumination at night provided by the burning slag-heap at Writhlington, in view of the fact that nearby villages are...
asked the Minister of Health whether he will inquire as to the number of Jewish refugees in Brighton who have thrown up their work and become a charge on the Brighton rates?
asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that certain small builders who are erecting houses for sale to working men in parts of Yorkshire are unable to obtain materials to complete...
asked the Home Secretary whether it is intended to suspend the municipal elections?
asked the Home Secretary the names of the various Regional Commissioners and deputies; the salaries paid to each individual; the names of those who are accepting salaries and those offering...
Miss Ward: asked the Home Secretary when passes will be issued to Members of Parliament in their area to the offices of the Regional Commissioner?
The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Wing-Commander JAMES:
asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that Spanish seamen who take service in British ships will lose their nationality; and whether he is prepared to recommend that such seamen should be...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in considering any new methods of taxation for war finance, he will deal with the evasion of death duties by wealthy families who put their private...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the total amount raised or authorised by way of loan for the re armament programme, and the annual interest charges since April, 1937?
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when the forms of claim in respect of damage to property referred to in the Treasury announcement of 6th September will be available to property owners?
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that many people anxious to offer private holdings of gold coin to the Government through their bankers have been unable to do so owing...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in view of the necessity of husbanding the financial resources of the country so as to make them available to the utmost for the prosecution of the...
asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury why the Public Record Office has been closed to research and when it will be reopened?
asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he will take steps to see that in all war work for which the Government is responsible the principle of equal pay for men and women doing...
asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what is the amount of money prescribed per week for the billeting of members of the Civil Service housed out of London; and what category of civil...
asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what provision is being made granting pensions on a scale commensurate with their pay to the widows and children of married officials who, having...
(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary to the Department of Overseas Trade whether his attention has been called to apprehension among exporters in this country of the risk of not being able to...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether he will state the grounds for making the recent changes in the control of the British Broadcasting Corporation?
May I ask whether the Prime Minister has any statement to make about the Business for next week?
Considered in Committee [Progress, 27th September'].
Resolved, "That this House do now adjourn." — [Major Sir James Edmondson.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.