House of Commons debates

Wednesday, 27 September 1939

  • Preamble

    The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.

  • New Writs.

    For the County of Derby (High Peak Division) in the room of Sir Alfred Law, deceased.—[Captain Margesson.]

  • Oral Answers to Questions — British War Aims.

    5 speeches

    asked the Prime Minister whether he is willing to make known to the world, as part of Great Britain's peace terms, that, in addition to the overthrow of the menace of Nazi aggression, His...

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Bombing of Civilians.

    15 speeches

    asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider the ad visability of proposing to the German Government that an approach should be made to the leading neutral States with a view to the...

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Rolal Air Force

    • Communiques

      6 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he proposes to issue an official communiquéat regular intervals giving details of what actions units of the Royal Air Force have been engaged in,...

    • Auxiliary Force.

      4 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for Air whether, in view of the incorporation of the Auxiliary Air Force with the Regular Force, officers and other ranks of the Auxiliary Air Force should now cease...

      Evacuated Staff.

      4 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware of discontent among the evacuated staff respecting the increased expense of maintainingthemselves in the new area and also their London...

      Balloon Barrage Crews (Wireless Sets).

      2 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he will arrange for the issue of portable wireless receiving sets on isolated balloon- barrage sites in order to relieve the tedium of the crews' duties?

      Aircraft Industry.

      2 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for Air whether it is in tended to take over outright control of the aircraft industry?

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Civil Aviation.

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Transport.

    • Railway Advertisements.

      2 speeches

      asked the Minister of Transport whether he will instruct the Railway Operating Service to refuse in future all advertisements calculated to stimulate the sale of commodities the consumption of...

    • Motor Vans, Labels.

      2 speeches

      asked the Minister of Transport whether Lipton's, Limited, have authority from his Department to use a "food-urgent" label on their motor vans; and whether such label carries with it any...

      Traffic Movement (Fog).

      3 speeches

      asked the Minister of Transport whether it is his intention, in view of the increased danger to the travelling public, especially in London, caused by winter fogs, to make arrangements and issue...

      Motor Vehicles (Requisitioning).

      4 speeches

      asked the Minister of Transport whether he will consider the advisability of instructing area commissioners of transport to make garaging arrangements before requisitioning vehicles so as to...

      Horse-Drawn Traffic, London.

      2 speeches

      asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of the reduced amount of transport in London and the desirability of economising petrol, he will arrange temporarily to cancel the regulations...

      Road Hauliers.

      5 speeches

      Mr. De la Bère: asked the Minister of Transport whether he will take steps to safeguard the interests of the old-established road hauliers throughout the country, whose livelihood is at...

      " C" Motor Licences.

      2 speeches

      asked the Minister of Transport if he will consider, as a temporary measure, the relaxing of restrictions on "C" licences to enable owners of such vehicles to co-operate with each other to use...

      Railway Fares.

      9 speeches

      asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that, owing to the withdrawal of cheap fares on the railways, many parents of the poorer class will find it impossible to visit their children...

      Royal Navy.

      Workers'payment, West Fife.

      4 speeches

      asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that on 2nd September a number of unemployed men in West Fife received telegrams asking them to start work at Longannet depot, where they...

      His Majesty's Ship "courageous."

      2 speeches

      asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, after full consideration, he is satisfied that the protection given to the aircraft carrier "Courageous" was sufficient; and, if not, can he give an...


      2 speeches

      asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what recorded opinion there is in his office as to the value of small airships in the last war as escorts for ships carrying food and raw materials to our...

      German Steamer "bremen."

      4 speeches

      asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is able to state the present whereabouts of the German liner "Bremen "?

      Cocoa Industry.

      4 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he intends to implement the recommendations of the West Indian Royal Commission and the West African Commission on the cocoa industry; or...

      West Indies (Commission's Report).

      2 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has yet received the report of the Royal Commission on Conditions in the West Indies; and when will it be available to Members?

      Civil Defence.


      4 speeches

      asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the written request of the billeting officer for part of the Tarvin Rural District, Cheshire, that the rural district...

      Evacuation (Scotland).

      7 speeches

      Mr. J. J. Davidson: asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether educational facilities now exist for the teaching of children evacuated to Inverary; and, if so, what are the educational...

      First Aid Post, East Ardsley.

      6 speeches

      asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the requisitioning officer in the West Riding of York has commandeered a new working men's club in East Ardsley as a first-aid station, and...

      Motor Vehicles (Noise).

      4 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the noise caused at night and early morning by the grinding of brakes by omnibuses and motor lorries...

      Friendly Aliens.

      2 speeches

      asked the Home Secretary whether he will consider the desirability, instead of interning enemy able-bodied alien refugees, of employing them on work on the land and other tasks of a similar...

      Shops (Early Closing).

      2 speeches

      asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of past experience in the breakdown of voluntary arrangements for early closing of shops, he has yet decided to issue a general closing order in the...

      Air-Raid Precautions (Workers' Remuneration).

      4 speeches

      asked the Home Secretary whether he can state the numbers and categories of air-raid pre cautions workers who are receiving higher remuneration than members of the Fighting Forces of equivalent...


      8 speeches

      asked the Home Secretary what steps have been taken to examine gas respirators; what is to be the procedure for the future in order to maintain and be sure of their efficiency; what proceedings...

      Compulsorily Closed Business Premises.

      2 speeches

      asked the Attorney-General whether the Government proposes to introduce legislation to safeguard the common law financial interests of those who have been compelled, by Government decree,...

      Horticultural Produce (Sales on Commission) Act, 1926.

      4 speeches

      asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is satisfied that the Horticultural Produce (Sales on Commission) Act, 1926, has served the purpose intended; and, if not, will he consider the...

      Ministry of Information.

      Neutral Countries.

      7 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether he is satisfied with the methods being adopted by the Department for spreading the truth about the war in neutral...

      Waste Avoidance.

      4 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether, with a view to impressing, by advertisement, upon the public of this country the need for economy in the use of...

      France (Liaison Arrangements).

      2 speeches

      Colonel Arthur Evans: asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether he is aware that on 5th September an English-language newspaper, published in Paris, printed a...

      Broadcast Programmes.

      2 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether he will request the British Broadcasting Corporation so to arrange the evening programme as to allow the concert or...

      British Board of Film Censors.

      2 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether he will state, with reference to the work carried out by the British Board of Film Censors for him, what payment is made...


      24 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information what are the duties of a Press liaison officer in the Ministry; how many of such officers are employed; and what salaries they are...

      Germany (British Leaflets).

      2 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether, when preparing for the future dropping of leaflets on German territory, he will consider arranging that some of these...

      Inspection (Members of Parliament).

      3 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information what facilities are available for Members of Parliament to inspect the work of the Ministry of Information at their premises in...

      Nazi Leaders' Fortunes.

      6 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether he will take steps to make known to the German people the fact that large fortunes have been placed by the Nazi leaders of...

      Old Age Pensions.

      3 speeches

      asked the Prime Minister, in view of the fact that the in tended investigation into the position of old age pensioners is postponed for a period, will he consider giving time to the House to...

      Prime Minister's Weekly Statement (Publicity).

      2 speeches

      asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the advantages that would accrue by broad casting direct from this House his weekly statement on the general situation, he will take steps to make...

      Location of Industry.

      4 speeches

      asked the Prime Minister whether, as the necessity for evacuation on a large scale emphasises the necessity for the scientific planning of the location of industry, he will call for the immediate...

      Food Supplies.

      Fish Distribution.

      10 speeches

      asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster upon whose advice his Department relied when drafting the regulations for the control of the distribution of fish which have done much harm, and...

      Wheat Supplies (Millers).

      3 speeches

      Mr. De la B è re: asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether the Government will take steps to ensure that an adequate supply of wheat is available for the small millers who,...

      Herring (Price).

      8 speeches

      asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he has considered the recommendation of the Clyde Fishermen's Association, passed at the meeting of their executive on 18th September, 1939,...

      Sugar Prices (Scotland).

      10 speeches

      asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he is aware that refineries in Greenock and elsewhere have received instructions not to send less than one ton of sugar, carriage paid, to...

      Tea Contracts.

      4 speeches

      asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether the instructions issued by the Tea Brokers Association of London to its members on 15th September, forbidding them to complete open...

      Auxiliary Forces (Women).

      2 speeches

      Mrs. Adamson: asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he can give an assurance that women under the age of 20 years in the various auxiliary armed forces will not be sent overseas...


      Evacuated Areas.

      4 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education what action is being taken with regard to the education of those children whose parents refused to have them evacuated or who have...

      Evacuee Children (Cost).

      9 speeches

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education what will be the basis upon which the cost of the education of unofficial evacuee children who are in attendance at public elementary...

      War Risks Insurance.

      6 speeches

      asked the President of the Board of Trade the nature of the advantages under the War Risks Insurance Act enjoyed by those firms which registered before the outbreakof war, compared with those who...

      Closed Post Offices, London.

      2 speeches

      asked the Postmaster- General the reason for which so many post offices in London have been closed to the public, and when it is proposed to re-open them?

      Pithead Baths.

      2 speeches

      asked the Secretary for Mines whether it is proposed to continue the practice of constructing pithead baths, and, if so, can he state the date on which it is contemplated to commence the...

      Army Officers' Uniforms.

      2 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in order to avoid injustice to those tailors who do not belong to the National Federation of Merchant Tailors, he will take measures to acquaint...

      Crossword Puzzles(Dominions).

      4 speeches

      asked the Secretary of State for War why the War Office refused to allow the transmission by a reputable news agency in this country to news papers in the Dominions of crossword puzzles which had...

      Indian National Congress (Statement of Policy).

      4 speeches

      asked the Under secretary of State for India whether he is aware of the statement of policy issued officially by the Working Committee of the Indian National Congress and in particular the...

      Local Government Elections.

      7 speeches

      asked the Home Secretary whether he can make a statement as to the policy of the Government in relation to local government elections during the war?

      North Sea Action.

      6 speeches

      Mr. Alexander: (by Private Notice) asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he can make any statement on the German wireless report that German aircraft attacked and bombarded a British...

      Great Britain and Eire.

      2 speeches

      (by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether any arrangements have been made for closer contact with the Government of Eire at the present time?

  • Business of the House.

    Ordered, That the Proceedings of the Committee of Ways and Means be exempted, at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of the Standing Order (Sittings of the House)."—[The Prime Minister.]

  • Revised Financial Statement(1939–40).

    Copy ordered, of Revised Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the year 1939–40."—[Captain Crookshank.]

  • Orders of the Day — Ways and Means.

    Considered in Committee.

  • Orders of the Day — War Budget.

    3 speeches

    3.51 p.m.

  • Orders of the Day — Income Tax.

    6 speeches

    First I take Income Tax. In my Budget of last April I resolved not 1o propose a further increase, and the standard rate for this year is therefore at present 5s. 6d. High as that rate is, it must...

  • Orders of the Day — Surtax.

    2 speeches

    At the other end of the scale comes the Surtax. It must not be forgotten in any quarter of the Committee that the Surtax-payer suffered a 10 per cent. addition to the charge in the crisis Budget...

  • Orders of the Day — Estate Duty

    2 speeches

    The rates of Estate Duty were also in creased in this year's Finance Act by 10 per cent. on estates exceeding £50,000 in value, with an exception, which the Committee will remember, in...

  • Orders of the Day — Beer, Spirits and Wine Duties.

    4 speeches

    First, I propose additions to all the taxes on alcoholic liquor—

  • Orders of the Day — Tobacco Duty.

    I rum to tobacco. The basic duty is at present us. 6d. per lb. I raised the duty to this figure from a previous level of 9s. 6d. in my Budget last April. I now propose a further rise of 2S. per...

  • Orders of the Day — Sugar Duties.

    I propose, therefore, also to make increases in the Sugar Duties which will be equivalent to Id. a lb. on the fully refined product, with corresponding increases on molasses, glucose and...

  • Orders of the Day — War Costs and Economy.

    2 speeches

    Before I refer to the subjects of a duty on excess profits and capital increases I should like to make a few observations on war costs and economy. It is inevitable, as we all appreciate, that...

  • Orders of the Day — Excess Profits Tax.

    There are two more large issues with which I wish to deal. Both were referred to in the statement that the Prime Minister made on 27th April when the House approved the introduction of compulsory...

  • Orders of the Day — Customs and Excise.

    • Beer (Excise Duty and Drawback).

      7 speeches

      Motion made, and Question proposed, That on and after the twenty-eighth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine—(a)there shall be charged in respect of beer brewed in the United...

    • Beer (Customs Duty and Drawback).

      Resolved. That on and after the twenty-eighth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine—(a) there shall be charged in respect of beer imported into the United Kingdom (in addition...

      Spirits (Excise Duty).


      Spirits (Customs Duty).

      2 speeches

      Motion made, and Question proposed, That on and after the twenty-eighth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, the duties of customs charged on spirits of the descriptions set out in...

      Wines (Customs Duty).

      Resolved, That, on and after the twenty-eighth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, in lieu of the duties of customs theretofore chargeable on wines, there shall be charged the...

      Sweets (Excise Duty).

      Resolved, That on and after the twenty-eighth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, the rate of the duty of excise on sweets shall be increased from seven shillings and sixpence to...

      Tobacco (Customs Duty).

      Resolved, That on and after the twenty-eighth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, in lieu of the full duties of customs theretofore chargeable on tobacco imported into the United...

      Tobacco (Excise Duty).

      Resolved, That on and after the twenty-eighth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, in lieu of the duties of excise theretofore chargeable on tobacco grown in the United Kingdom,...

      Tobacco (Drawback).

      Resolved, That, as respects tobacco on which there have been paid duties of customs or excise at the increased rates for which provision is made by any Resolution passed by the Committee of...

      Sugar, etc. (Customs Duties).

      Resolved, That after five o'clock in the evening on the twenty-seventh day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, the duties of customs on sugar, molasses, glucose and saccharin, shall...

      Sugar, etc. (Excise Duty).

      Resolved, That after five o'clock in the evening on the twenty-seventh day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, the duties of excise on sugar, molasses, glucose and saccharin, shall...

      Sugar, etc. (Drawbacks).

      Resolved, That, in the case of sugar and molasses produced in the United Kingdom from material on which a duty of customs or excise is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioners of Customs...

  • Orders of the Day — Income Tax.

    • Standard Rate of Tax for 1939–40.

      Resolved, That— (a)the standard rate of Income Tax for the year 1939–40 shall, as respects the last three quarters of the year, be increased by two shillings to seven shillings and...

    • Higher Rates of Income Tax for


      Reliefs and Exemption from Tax

      Resolved, That— (a) the following enactments relating to reliefs and exemption from tax shall be amended as Parliament may provide by any Act of the present Session relating to income tax,...

      Diminution of Earned Income.

      Resolved, That relief from income tax for the year 1939–40be given to individuals whose actual earned income for that year is, owing to circumstances connected with the war, less than...

  • Orders of the Day — Miscellaneous.

What is this?

Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.

And sometimes to shout at each other.

September 1939
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun