Wednesday, 20 September 1939
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Mr. SPEAKER made the following communication to the House:
asked the Prime Minister whether the policy of His Majesty's Government in the Far East remains unchanged?
asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider the advantages that would accrue to us if a statement of the international purposes in resistance to aggression for which we have entered the war...
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether it is intended at an early date to issue regular naval communiques and thus avoid the spreading of rumours in the absence of same?
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the terms of employment of fishermen engaged to man drifters acquired for Naval Service as regards wages, compensation for death or injury, victualling...
asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what progress has been made with the scheme for the settlement of Jewish refugees in the interior of British Guiana?
asked the Minister of Transport what financial arrangements have been agreed to between the Government and the railway companies now under the control of the Railway Executive Committee?
asked the Minister of Transport whether be has any further statement to make concerning the issue of workmen's tickets after the sounding of the all-clear signal?
asked the Minister of Transport whether he will make representations to the London Transport Board, and other railway authorities, with a view to their considering the desirability of abolishing...
asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the serious inconvenience which is being caused by the drastic reduction in railway. and in particular, suburban services, and in view of...
Miss Rathbone: asked the Minister of Transport how many persons were injured and how many killed in road accidents during the week preceding and also during the week following the imposition of...
asked the Attorney-General whether he is now in a position to say when legislation will be introduced to deal with the question of leases on business premises, where, as a result of evacuation or...
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether he can now issue instructions for all schools evacuated to reception areas to start work at once?
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he can give the figures showing the quantity of fruit, vegetables and other food products canned in Great Britain during 1928; the relative quantities...
Mr. De la Bère: asked the Minister of Agriculture what steps the Government are taking to ensure that farmers can obtain the necessary credit facilities or cash to enable them to purchase...
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will take steps to check the retail price of tractors; and whether he can give any indication of the way in which tractor work will be shared between...
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to make payments for remunerative time lost to workers' representatives serving on agricultural war...
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the chaos in the fish trade consequent upon the transfer of the wholesale supply market, which has caused the waste of...
asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how many food prices have been fixed up to the moment; what these prices are wholesale and retail; and what was the basis of calculation before the...
Mr. De la Bère: asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether, in view of the interruption of the normal landings and distribution of food in many customary centres through the...
asked the Secretary of State for War the number of Army horses sold to Germany during the last four years and the average price paid for each?
asked the Secretary of State for War the position of a candidate in possession of an Officers' Training Corps certificate A who has been accepted by an officer commanding a unit for a temporary...
asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that there are a large number of men who are anxious to join up as volunteers before they are called upon under their age-groups; and...
asked the Secretary of State for War (1) whether his attention has been drawn to the conditions governing the commissioning and promotion of Army officers in war time, in which no distinction is...
asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to a letter issued to Cambridge undergraduates in which it is stated that medical students, research or post-graduate...
asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will arrange for the issue of portable wireless sets to the detachments in charge of anti-aircraft guns and searchlight sets, in order to relieve...
asked the President of the Board of Trade on what calculations the premiums for compulsory insurance of stocks have been based; what percentage of the premiums is expected to be taken up by...
asked the Minister of Health whether he will publish a list in detail of those classes of emergency or National Service workers who are paid, with the rates of pay, and those National Service...
asked the Minister of Health whether any of the parents of children evacuated to the country are paying or making any contribution towards the 8s. 6d. per week paid by Government for the keep of...
asked the Minister of Health what arrangements have been made to keep in National Health Insurance those members of His Majesty's Forces, such as those of the late Territorial Army, who...
asked the Minister of Health why an insured widow reaching the age of 65, with the necessary contributions, is refused the old age contributory pension in lieu of her widow's pension; and what...
asked the Prime Minister whether he will make it clear in any statement of our war aims that there will be included the setting up of an inter national system which will effectively prevent...
Miss Rathbone: asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider making a change in the Standing Orders which would permit the handing in of Parliamentary questions on days when the House...
Miss Rathbone: asked the Prime Minister whether any compensation will be paid to neutral countries for disasters which have been caused by unintentional infractions of their neutrality by war...
asked the Minister of Health whether he has or will give consideration to the effect of war conditions on local authority finance and rating; whether it is intended to take any action; is he...
asked the Minister of Health whether supplies of radium are now available for patients who are in urgent need of this treatment?
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether his Department has taken any steps to recommend to other towns in Scotland arrangements similar to those made in Glasgow for the closing of...
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has considered the numerous complaints about defects in the working of the Scottish evacuation scheme; and what steps are being taken to...
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether the Government has accepted, or will accept, responsibility for the payment of the sum of over £700 for articles of clothing, apart from...
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of Anderson steel shelters supplied to the burgh of Kirkcaldy; and how have these been distributed, as between tenants of municipal and...
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of ex- policemen on pension who volunteered for unpaid air-raid precautions service in Fife, Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy, respectively; the...
asked the Lord Advocate if he is aware that William Kane and D. Livingston were arrested while handing out leaflets near Howden's engineering shop, Glasgow, taken to the police station and...
asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that there is still a pronounced glare from the Old Redd bing at Blairhall; and what steps are being taken to deal with this and other such bings...
asked the Minister of Supply (1) whether he can now make a full statement on the policy, administration, and organisation of the Supply Ministry; (2) whether he is aware of the great desire of...
asked the Lord Privy Seal, as representing the Minister of Information, whether he has any information respecting the murder of Polish prisoners by the German forces; and what steps he proposes...
asked the Lord Privy Seal, as representing the Minister of Information, what are the sanctions which the Ministry of Information exercises over the Press, under what regulations these sanctions...
asked the Lord Privy Seal, as representing the Minister of Information, whether His Majesty's Government have any official confirmation of the statement issued by Herr Hitler's headquarters that...
(by Private Notice)asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he has any statement to make concerning the sinking of His Majesty's Ship "Courageous"?
May I ask the Prime Minister the business for the present week?
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."— [Captain Margesson.]
Order for Second Reading read.
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."
7.12 p.m.
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.