Wednesday, 13 September 1939
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
asked the Prime Minister on what date, since the outbreak of war, the first broadcasts were made from the British Broadcasting Corporation in Polish, Czech, Serbo-Croat and Rumanian,...
asked the Prime Minister whether any inquiries have been made of the Turkish Government if permission will be granted to allow allied warships into the Black Sea should necessity arise?
asked the Prime Minister whether it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to issue a further White Paper dealing with the whole grounds of Anglo-German relations over the last 12 months?
asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that no Member of this House volunteering for unpaid National Service has yet been accepted for service in the Foreign Office; and whether he can...
Mr. Creech Jones: asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether it is the policy of the Government to maintain and develop native welfare services in the British Dependencies during the...
asked the Minister of Transport what exemption from traffic regulations have been accorded to vehicles moving troops, stores or materials for air-raid precautions?
asked the Minister of Transport whether he will consider making an order prohibiting the use of unauthorised priority signs on vehicles?
asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that, owing to the air-raid warning on 6th instant, many workpeople were un able to start their journey to work until the all-clear at about 9...
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is in a position to make any statement with regard to His Majesty'sSubmarine "Thetis"?
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what are the present facilities for training members of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve in the Manchester area; and what steps are being taken to extend...
asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will pre vent the premature closing of film studios, which might be of use for pro paganda purposes?
asked the Lord Privy Seal, as representing the Minister of Information, who compiled the message distributed by the Royal Air Force in Germany so that recognition may be given for a piece of work...
asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that there is strong public feeling that Romford and the greater part of Hornchurch should become evacuation areas in view of their exposed...
asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that there is great discontent in the emergency medical services arising out of the fact that many nurses, medical students, doctors and others...
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many survivors from the "Athenia" were received into hospitals on arrival ashore; into what institutions they were received; and how many are still...
asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that in the list of goods, whose imports are prohibited except by licence, apples have been allowed unrestricted entry, while the...
asked the Prime Minister whether he is in a position to state the Government's intentions on the creation of a Ministry of Shipping?
asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will give an assurance that in placing restrictions on normal production he will give sympathetic consideration to all forms of medical...
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will consider encouraging the retention of corn in ricks in order to create a further reserve supply of cereals foods which will be less liable to war...
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the fact that he is fixing prices for agricultural products, he will bear in mind the need for a review of agricultural wage rates?
asked the Minister of Agriculture when he proposes to out line in detail the steps he desires farmers and others to take, to take advantage of the present favourable season for certain food...
asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether active measures are con templated for the extension of the market for British goods in neutral countries where, before the outbreak of...
asked the Minister of Economic Warfare whether he can give an assurance that vigorous measures are already in operation to prevent such commodities as tin, rubber and cotton reaching the hands of...
asked the Minister of Supply what are the geographical areas that have been set up to secure increased productivity; the names of the people who are to be in charge of each area; is it intended...
asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs what steps have been taken to ensure that the Dominions shall receive from the theatres of war, with the least possible delay, the necessary...
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether, in view of the membership of Convocation of the University of London exceeding 17,000 graduates, he has considered giving...
asked the Postmaster-General, whether he can make a statement as to the present facilities for collection and delivery of letters; whether there will be any curtailment for the future; and give...
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can offer any inducement in the way of increased grant to the local education authorities in connection with air-raid precautions work?
asked the Home Secretary whether he is now able to announce his decision with regard to extending the period of summer time?
asked the Home Secretary whether he will consider the advisability of granting early permission for the reopening of the theatres and cinemas at any rate until black-out time, so as to afford...
asked the Home Secretary whether he has now reached a decision on the advisability of issuing an order for the early closing of shops in the national interest, the saving of fuel and light, and...
asked the Home Secretary what are the present powers and duties of the Regional Commissioners?
asked the Prime Minister when the Government's proposals for the conscription of wealth in war-time, as already indicated by him, will be brought forward?
asked the Prime Minister whether he can state the principle on which non-Ministerial appointments for civil administration are made; and whether he can give an assurance that the sole...
asked the Prime Minister what steps are to be taken to increase old age pensions, in view of the national emergency and the fact that many thousands of pensioners are deprived of assistance...
Mr. V. Adams: asked the Prime Minister whether His Majesty's Government are considering making a preliminary statement of war aims, including the liberation of the Czechs from German rule?
asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what arrangements are being made for friendly refugees in this country to volunteer for some unit of the Fighting Services or Home Defence?
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is prepared to consider the extension of Section 14 of the Finance Act, 1900, which relates to relief of Death Duties, to civilians who may be...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he proposes to introduce legislation dealing with civil liabilities, especially liabilities for rent and rates, in the case of individuals who find...
May I ask the Prime Minister whether he can make a statement as to the course of business?
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn." — [Captain Margesson.]
Mr. Stewart: I am perfectly ready to meet that point, but I want now to be allowed to go on with my speech, because I am trying to submit to the wish of the House. The point I wish to raise...
8.3 p.m.
Order for Second Reading read.
Order for Second Reading read.
Order for Second Reading read.
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.