Tuesday, 13 June 1933
The House—after the Adjournment on 2nd June for the Whitsuntide Recess—met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Amersham, Beaconsfield, and District Water Bill [Lords],
1. asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs what bounties, voluntary or compulsory, are given to the exporters of butter and cheese from Austrailia and New Zealand to this country?
13. asked the Minister of Agriculture what assurance can be given to the home producers of butter and cheese that they will receive for their products a price to compensate for the costs of...
Mr SCRYMGEOUR - WEDDER-BURN: 15. asked the Minister of Agriculture what reduction is to be made in the amount of chilled beef to be imported during the second half of the quarter ending 30th...
14. asked the Minister of Agriculture what is the position as regards the recent outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease; and whether any areas are still controlled as infected areas?
4. asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs if the recent increase in the Australian tariff on elastic fabrics was made after a communication by, and decision of, the Australian Tariff Board?
8. asked the President of the Board of Trade the value of goods imported from Kussia under special licence during the last 10 days?
47 and 48. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) the number of applications received by the Import Duties Advisory Committee at present outstanding; and, in the case of those received more...
5. asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs if he is now in a position to make a statement with regard to the dumping duty on British bituminous coal on importation into Canada?
11. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has any information as to the result of the delegate conference of the Miners' Federation which discussed the question of national wage agreements;...
12. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can give the House any information as to the recent decisions of the Central Council of Coal Owners with regard to the operation of Part I of the Coal...
7. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has now received the final report of the Official
10. asked the Secretary for Mines what percentage of coal is shipped in the South Wales ports, Newport, Cardiff, Barry, Port Talbot and Swansea, where machinery has been installed to minimise the...
9. asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is in a position to state if there has been an increase in the price of timber used in house-building since the putting on of the embargo on...
19. asked the Minister of Labour when it is proposed to introduce the Bill based upon the Report of the Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance?
38. asked the Minister of Health if he has considered the memorandum submitted to him from the County Councils Association setting forth their proposals for dealing with unemployment in their...
16. asked the Minister of Labour the number of injured workmen in receipt of partial compensation who are registered at the Employment Exchanges and claiming unemployment benefit?
17. asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons classed as seasonal workers in the Wales division who have been deprived of unemployment benefit in the last two years?
18. asked the Minister of Labour the number of unemployed persons in receipt of benefit for the county of Carmarthen and for the whole of Wales at 31st May of 1931, 1932, and 1933, respectively?
20. asked the Secretary of State for India the number of persons sentenced to whipping in each of the provinces of British India during the years 1931 and 1932; and whether whipping is still...
21. asked the Secretary of State for India what proportion of the superintending staff at the Government armament factories at Ishapur and Cossipore, respectively, is Indian; and whether the...
Mr. PRICE: 22. asked the Secretary of State for India whether the attention of the Government of India has been called to the refusal of the Governor of Uganda to agree to equal representation of...
23. asked the Secretary of State for India what action the Government of India propose to take as a result of the discussions between them and Provincial Governments on the subject of the...
24. asked the Secretary of State for India whether he can state the present stage of the negotiations between the Government of India and the Ceylon Government on the subject of a reduction of...
25. asked the Secretary of State for India whether he can inform the House on what grounds and under what regulations the provincial governors and members of council attending the meetings of the...
30. asked the Secretary of State for India what instructions have been given to the Government of India with respect to the prosecution of persons responsible for the publication and distribution...
27. asked the Secretary of State for India whether any agreement has been arrived at between the Government of India and Imperial Airways and the National Air Transport of India with regard to...
28. asked the Secretary of State for India whether the Government of India have now considered the report of Sir Samuel Wilson on the decentralisation policy proposed for the Malay Straits...
29. asked the Secretary of State for India on what grounds the district magistrate at Allahabad has ordered the keeper of the Minerva Press to deposit security under the Press Act, 1931, for...
31. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department why he did not, in prescribing the form of account of the Racecourse Betting Control Board for 1932, ensure that depreciation was shown in...
32. asked the Home Secretary if he will state the number of accidents that have occurred at Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.I, during the last year?
34. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the position with regard to the Four-Power Pact?
35. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the present position with regard to the Disarmament Conference?
39. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether instructions have been issued by the Crown Agents to their departments in the British Colonies, Dependencies and Protectorates to the...
40. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Morris Carter Commission was consulted before the decision was taken that Area 5 in the Kavirondo district should be thrown open for...
42. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Government has reached any decision as to the payment of any War Debt instalment to the United States of America this month?
49. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the respective date upon which each of the three present holders of directorships of the Suez Canal Company was originally appointed to represent...
52. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the number of awards and withdrawals of blind pensions made in Scotland for the years 1929, 1930, 1931 and 1932, respectively?
33. asked the Home Secretary the amount of tax borne by each barrel of 36 gallons of beer brewed by the State management and sold at 5d. per pint?
(by Private Notice) asked the Postmaster-General what precautions are taken to ensure that no wireless amateurs possessing certain types of sets can "listen in" to messages passing between London...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister if he can now state the names of the industrial advisers to the United Kingdom Delegation to the Monetary and Economic Conference?
I desire, with your permission, Mr. Speaker, to ask the Lord President of the Council whether it is quite impossible for us to have a statement, before we start the Debate this afternoon, as to...
That they have agreed to,
Motion made, and Question proposed, That a sum, not exceeding £124,278, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment...
Resolved, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Captain Margesson.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.