Tuesday, 24 June 1924
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Manchester Corporation Bill [Lords] (by Order),
Copy ordered, "of Statement showing the Gross and Net total Cost of the Civil Services and Revenue Departments and the Army, Navy and Air Services for the year ended the 31st day of March,...
1. asked the President of the Board of Trade the relative proportion of the total manufacture of dyestuffs in Great Britain produced by the British Dyestuffs Corporation and other competing...
5. asked the President of the Board of Trade what was the value of the export and import trade, respectively, done between this country and Russia during the months of April and May last?
3. asked the President of the Board of Trade if he can now state when the division will begin of the £300,000 set aside for belated reparation claims?
4. asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that there are eight coastguard cottages standing empty on Canvey Island, Essex; and if, in view of the need for adequate housing...
6. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether all Lascars signed on the ships on passage to this country are signed on the so-called Lascar agreement, by which the owners are liable for...
9. asked the President of the Board of Trade what sums were realised in 1922, 1923, and 1924, respectively, from the fees of sailors under examination for lifeboat work; what was the cost of the...
Lieut. - Colonel Sir PHILIP RICHARDSON: 7. asked the President of the Board of Trade how many persons are at present employed in the Russian Claims Department; and what time he estimates to be...
8. asked the President of the Board of Trade the number of prosecutions directed and convictions obtained during the last three years for offences against the provisions of the Registration of...
13. asked the Secretary for Scotland if he is now able to give the Report promised some time ago upon the development and results of agricultural co-operation in the Orkney Islands?
14. asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he has under consideration any plan to enable poor fishermen to obtain the 50 per cent. of the purchase price of the gear which is necessary before...
21. asked the Secretary for Scotland if he is yet in a position to state when he proposes to introduce his Bill to amend the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts?
23. asked the Secretary for Scotland the amounts outstanding due to local authorities in Scotland in respect of schemes approved by the Unemployment Grants Committee; and when it is proposed to...
26. asked the Secretary for Scotland whether, in view of the terms of his letter of 22nd May, 1924, relative to foxes in Berwickshire and the repudiation of responsibility on the part of the...
18. asked the Secretary for Scotland the numbers of persons employed on the sheep farms on the Holy Loch, purchased by the firm of Bryant and May, Limited, and now in process of afforestation;...
12. asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what compensation is to be paid to those Commoners of the New Forest whose grazing and other rights are being damaged by the contemplated...
29. asked the Secretary for Mines whether his attention has been called to the fact that certain colliery owners in the Somerset coalfield are refusing to comply with the terms of the new...
30. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can state the present position of the strike at Dechmont colliery, Loanend?
31. asked the Minister of Transport whether he is in a position to announce the result of his examination of the question of compelling motorists to insure against accidents; and whether he is...
36. asked the Minister of Transport whether he will introduce legislation to permit the use of the Road Fund for the purpose of planting trees along the new arterial roads of the country, and to...
37. asked the Minister of Transport what is the present position of the negotiations between the Ministry of Transport and the local authorities with reference to the construction of the...
38. asked the Minister of Transport what is the approximate estimated cost of the sections of the Glasgow-Edinburgh road within the counties of Linlithgow and Midlothian respectively; and what is...
Mr. FOOT MITCHELL: 40. asked the Minister of Transport whether he is prepared to introduce legislation to give power to his Department or to local authorities to compel railway companies to...
41. asked the Minister of Transport if he is aware that fast-moving traffic is frequently held up for long intervals in main thoroughfares during the busiest time of the day by hand carts, donkey...
42. asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been called to the grave risks run by all motor traffic travelling on the new concrete roads in wet weather; and whether, in view of...
66. asked the Minister of Transport if he is aware that the management of the London and North Eastern Railway Company are proposing to close down the Springhead Locomotive Works at Hull, which...
67. asked the Minister of Transport if he will make inquiry into the number of passengers carried on the London, Midland and Scottish trains between Glasgow and London and vice versa; whether the...
68. asked the Minister of Transport if he will state, approximately, how much of the £60,000,000 granted in 1921 to the railway companies still remains unspent by them on repairs and...
69. asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been drawn to the bad state of the roads of Devonshire; whether any funds have been allocated to roads in this country from the Road...
70. asked the Minister of Transport whether he can issue a statement showing the percentage of completion of the various road schemes now in progress in the London area and the time each scheme...
39. asked the Minister of Transport if he will make represen- tations to the Port of London Authority that, in view of the distress in consequence of unemployment in the Tilbury district, they...
45. asked the Prime Minister when it is proposed to introduce legislation abolishing the thrift disqualification for old age pensioners?
46. asked the Prime Minister whether he is now in a position to state who will be the representatives of Great Britain at the meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations next September; and,...
48. asked the Prime Minister whether he is yet in a position to state the policy of the Government with regard to the optional clause upon compulsory arbitration of the protocol of the permanent...
50. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that, in connection with reassessments of property for the purpose of Income Tax, demand notices for Income Tax on an increased...
53. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been drawn to the case of the Ancient Order of Foresters, who for more than 20 years have paid £7 10s. per annum in...
61. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Board of Customs and Excise has issued new Regulations affecting the collection of the Entertainments Duty, providing for the examination of...
54. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been drawn to the new policy of the Royal Mint in entering into competition with private enterprise in medal making as...
55. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if any representations have been made by the tobacco growers of Nyasaland as to the operation of the Preference duties
59. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether Lord Nelson has during the present year been invited to state the terms on which he is willing to commute the pension which has been paid since...
62. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he can state the policy of the Government with respect to the findings of the Southborough Committee?
71. asked the Postmaster-General if the Broadcasting Advisory Committee has reached a decision as to the site of the proposed new transmitting station in London?
72. asked the Pastmaster-General whether he has considered the desirability of instituting official tests on all broadcasting sets manufactured for sale to the public; and, if not, whether he...
73. asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the British official wireless news which has hitherto been distributed to, and published in, India has now ceased owing to the...
75. asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the grave inconvenience caused to telephone subscribers in the London area by the abrupt cutting off of their conversations without...
76. asked the Postmaster-General what progress has been made in the installation of rural telephones throughout the country since 31st December last?
77. asked the Postmaster-General if the Oldham Post Office is included in the list of post offices which he is recommending to the Treasury for higher classification?
78. asked the Postmaster-General whether it is a rule of his Department that all sub-post offices in London shall be closed at mid-day on the early closing day of their respective districts; if...
"to amend section eleven of the Seedy Act, 1920," presented by Mr. BLUNDELL; supported by Sir Henry Cautley, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. Crittall, Mr. Maxton and Mr. Shepperson; to be read a Second time...
"to provide for the authorisation of races with motor cars," presented by Sir PHILIP DAWSON; supported by Mr. Sturrock, Lieut.-Colonel Pownall, Mr. Tillett, Rear-Admiral Sir Guy Gaunt, Mr. Hannon...
I beg to move, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1924. The object of the Bill is to provide Unemployment Insurance for agricultural workers....
"to amend the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1924," presented accordingly, and read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Monday next, and to be printed. [Bill 179.]
Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead Corporations (Bridge) Bill,
Reported, without Amendment, from Standing Committee B.
Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON reported from the Chairmen's Panel; That they had appointed Mr. Short to act as Chairman of Standing Committee C (in respect of the Industrial and Provident Societies...
Reported, without Amendment, from Standing Committee C.
Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee A: Mr. Herbert Morrison; and had appointed in substitution:...
Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following Fifteen Members to Standing Committee B (in respect of the Agricultural Wages Bill): Mr. Acland, the...
Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee C: Mr. Shepperson and Mr. Tillett; and had appointed in...
Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following Ten Members to Standing Committee D (in respect of the China Indemnity (Application) Bill): Mr....
Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following Ten Members to the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills (in respect of the Town Councils (Scotland)...
As amended (in the Standing Committee), further considered.
I beg to move, in page 1, line 18, after the word "Counties," to insert the word "Traffic."
Amendment made: In page 4, line 28, leave out the word "First" and insert instead thereof the word "Second."—[Mr. Gosling.]
I beg to move, in page 5, line 23, to leave out the words "such public inquiry as they may think fit, or." 7.0 P.M. Sub-section (3) deals solely with the power of the Advisory Committee to hold...
I beg to move, in page 6, line 3, to leave out the words "its width," and to insert instead thereof the words "the width of the carriageway." This Amendment is moved in fulfilment of a pledge...
Amendment made: In page 7, line 37, after the word "mitigate," insert the words "or discontinue."—[Mr. Gosling.]
I beg to move, in page 8, line 21, at the end to insert the words Any person who proposes to establish a regular service of omnibuses within the area of the licensing jurisdiction of any such...
I beg to move, in page 13, line 4, after the word "omnibus" to insert the words "or tramway car." This Amendment requires very little explanation. It was brought up in Committee, and only...
Amendment made: In page 15, line 16, leave out the word "Second" and insert instead thereof the word "Third."—[Mr. Gosling.]
I beg to move, in page 16, line 18, to leave out from the word "any," to the word "without," in line 19, and to insert instead thereof the words Obligation upon a local authority to incur any...
Amendment made: In page 16, line 28, leave out the word "that."—[Mr. Gosling.]
I beg to move, to leave out the Clause. The object is to remove the charge for this Bill, when it becomes an Act, from the Road Fund. On the Second Reading of the Bill, I gave my reasons, I...
Order for Second Reading read.
Resolved, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Mr. Parkinson.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.