Thursday, 5 June 1924
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
King's Lynn Docks and Railway Bill [Lords],
"to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport under the Bradford Corporation Act, 1910, relating to Bradford Corporation trolley vehicles," presented by Mr. GOSLING; read the...
4. asked the Minister of Pensions whether he has had under consideration the question of paying to the widow or other dependant of an ex-service man who dies while in receipt of a final weekly...
7. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the injury to health suffered by men using pneumatic tools; and whether he will cause an inquiry...
8. asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to an advertisement in the "New Leader" of 23rd May inviting subscriptions to Labour's Calcutta Derby subscription draw; and what...
9. asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that on Thursday, 29th May, at a meeting called by the Rotherhithe Conservative party at the Rotherhithe Town Hall, there appeared a body of...
10. asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to the frequent petty and vexatious prosecutions instituted by the Metropolitan police at Mitcham against the drivers of motor...
11. asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that Principal Officer Hamby and Officer Wheeler were dismissed from the service at Wormwood Scrubs Prison for securing their sons employment through...
12. asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that Frederick Walter Baugh, a boy of 15, a first offender, who bore a good character, was recently sentenced to 21 days' hard labour at Deal...
13. asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that two Coldstream Guardsmen, who were recently tried at Berks Assizes on a charge of window breaking, had been kept in prison for four months...
15. asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that, on the death of a man caused by accident, no provision is made in the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, for any adopted child, whether...
16. asked the President of the Board of Education whether the residue grant money to secondary schools is included in the percentage grant based on the local education authority's expenditure on...
19. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is prepared to make it an obligation upon all education authorities that a thorough medical inspection of all scholars shall be made...
22. asked the President of the Board of Education what is the amount of the largest pension now being paid under the Teachers Superannuation Acts of 1898 and 1912; what was the length of service...
23. asked the President of the Board of Education whether, in view of the emergency arising from juvenile unemployment, he will take steps to raise the school-leaving age to 15 from the beginning...
28. asked the President of the Board of Education what would be the approximate cost of establishing continuation schools for young persons between 14 and 16, under Sections 75 and 76 of the...
29 and 30. asked the President of the Board of Education (1) if he has yet received the Report of the Departmental Committee on the Training of Teachers; (2) whether the Board will hold the...
33. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Mr. J. D'Arcy Hartley, of Billesden Coplow, Leicestershire, who, owing to his omission to make a...
34. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether Lord Meston's Committee upon percentage grants is still in being; how the Committee is composed; when it was set up; when it last sat; and when...
36. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he intends to introduce Bills to remove the restrictions on old age pensions and also to establish pensions for mothers?
37. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will take steps to amend the Trade Facilities Act so that its provisions may apply to the granting of credits for expenditure other than of a...
39. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury if any depots under the Department controlling the disposal of unsold war stores and assets have been wound up and closed since 18th March, 1924;...
41. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury in how many Departments a considerable amount of overtime has been worked since 1st, January; in how many and in what Departments overtime is...
42. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury if, in amending the Increase of Pensions Act, 1920, he will take into consideration the case of police officers and others who retired after many...
43. asked the Minister of Agriculture exactly how many acres are to be reclaimed from the Wash for the outlay stated of £32,000; whether the land when reclaimed will have a market value of...
44. asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will lay before this House the terms and rates paid by the Government to contractors and sub-contractors for slaughtering and marketing cattle during...
54. asked the Minister of Agriculture the total number of imported cattle and livestock generally landed in this country since 1st January, 1924?
56. asked the Minister of Agriculture the area in North Lindsey (County of Lincolnshire) of the grazing land at present not stocked with cattle for feeding owing to the embargo placed on imported...
Earl of DALKEITH: 57. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has thoroughly gone into the recommendations for dealing with sheep scab that were put before the Ministry by the Scottish...
45. asked the Prime Minister whether any agreement has been come to with regard to the constitution of the Committee of Inquiry into the question of Home Rule for Scotland, Wales, and England;...
46. asked the Prime Minister whether the Civil Lord of the Admiralty is retaining the directorship of a certain printing and publishing company with his consent?
47. asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the fact that His Majesty's Government has recently raised the British Legation in Portugal to the rank of an Embassy, His Majesty's Government...
48. asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the Home Secretary has sent a message to a candidate at the General Election pending in South Africa wishing success to the Labour party in...
49. asked the Prime Minister whether he can make any statement in reference to the repatriation of political prisoners in the Ruhr and the Rhineland?
50. asked the Prime Minister if he is aware that General de Metz, writing on behalf of the Rhineland Commission, has ordered that a sum of 20,000 gold marks be paid by the Palatinate as...
51. asked the Prime Minister if he can now make a statement to the House as to the policy of the Government vis-a-vis the European situation?
52. asked the Prime Minister when he will be in a position to state the result of the negotiations between His Majesty's Government and the representatives of the Soviet Government now in London?
53. asked the Prime Minister if he will consider the advisability of setting up a Select Committee to consider what steps can be taken to reduce the expense to which candidates are put in...
60. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether the projectors and other apparatus employed in the cinematograph shows at the British Empire Exhibition have been in...
Sir F. HALL: 83. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the presence at the British Empire Exhibition of a stall exclusively devoted to...
61. asked the Minister of Health if he will give, as on the last convenient date, the number of children who were in receipt; of Poor Law relief owing to the unemployment of their parents?
64. asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the Stanley urban district council has been compelled to build houses to meet the needs of the locality; that the only land available...
65. asked the Minister of Health whether he has received a letter from the Tottenham Urban District Council protesting against further blocks of tenement dwellings being erected in Tottenham by...
66. asked the Minister of Health whether, in the case of the additional London County Council asylum about to be opened in the neighbourhood of Epsom under the name of West Park Mental Hospital,...
67. asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the majority of early cases of nervous breakdown cannot be proved to be dangerous or unfit to be at large, and that they are in...
68. asked the Secretary for Mines where the provincial districts are situated in which the co-operative prices for coal are lower than those of coal merchants, and the respective amounts of such...
69. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that the Bristol coalowners, who were parties to the settlement which has just been reached, undertook that if the Bristol collieries had to...
70. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that colliery firemen and deputies, whose services should be solely to look after the safety of the mines, are called upon to perform various...
71. asked the Minister of Transport whether exceptional difficulties have occurred to account for the long delay in the completion of the London to Southend toad; and when it is anticipated this...
73. asked the Minister of Transport whether he is prepared to favourably consider conferring upon local authorities power to control the use of unclassified roads by heavy vehicles and with...
74. asked the Minister of Transport whether he has received a communication from a conference of rural authorities, held at Brierley, Yorkshire, recently, relating to the question of highway...
75. asked the Minister of Transport if he has received representations from the Clydebank Town Council for a grant towards the making of a new road which is urgently needed in the district; and...
77. asked the Minister of Labour whether he can state the number of men employed in the piano industry in this country on 1st April, let May, and 1st June?
78. asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that, as the outcome of the tariff proposals which the Indian Imperial Assembly is now engaged in debating, the Indian Tariff Board estimates that,...
79. asked the Minister of Labour whether:he is aware that at the last meeting of the finance committee of the governing body of the International Labour Office proposals for a reduction amounting...
80. asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that proposals have been made by Dr. Nansen to the Council of the League of Nations that the relief work connected with the Russian refugees,...
82. asked the President of the Board of Trade upon what grounds the food Department of his office are withholding payments in the case of agreed accounts due to traders in respect of the subsidy...
84. asked the Postmaster-General whether, seeing that at salaried sub-offices where the official residence and the telephone exchange are in the same building, it is an essential condition of...
86 and 87. asked the Secretary for Scotland (1) the number of small holdings constituted by landowners in Scotland of their own free will in terms of Section 35 of the Small Landholders...
89. asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that, in the year 1921–22, out of 106,954 persons offering to enlist, 59,736, or 56 per cent., were rejected for physical...
(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, in view of the fact that in the Factories Bill there are 143 Clauses, in part consolidating the present law and...
(by Private Notice) asked the Minister of Labour whether an unofficial strike of railway shopmen employed by the Great Western and London Electric Railways commenced at midnight and whether he...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether he can now announce the name of the Chairman of the Irish Boundary Commission?
May I ask the Leader of the House what will be the business on the reassembling of Parliament?
I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House in order to call attention to a definite matter of urgent public importance, namely, "the failure of the Government to take adequate steps...
I venture on behalf, not of myself alone, but also of other Members with whom I have been in consultation, to ask your guidance, Sir, in a difficulty which has reached serious dimensions, and...
Lords Amendment to be considered upon Monday, 16th June, and to be printed. 168.]
"to amend the Law relating to certification of still-births and deaths, and the disposal of the dead," presented by Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE; supported by Sir Thomas Inskip, Dr. Haden Guest, Mr....
"to prevent excessive charges for Building Materials, and to make provision for securing an adequate supply of such materials; and for other purposes incidental thereto," presented by Mr....
Not amended (in the Standing Committee) considered.
Considered in Committee under Standing Order No. 71A.
Order for Second Reading read.
Resolution reported, That it is expedient— (a) to authorise the payment, out of moneys provided by Parliament, of contributions towards the expenses incurred in connection with the...
"to amend the financial provisions of the Housing, etc., Act, 1923, and for other purposes incidental thereto or connected therewith," presented accordingly, and read the First time: to be read a...
Order for Second Reading read.
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."— [Mr. Kennedy.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.