Thursday, 13 March 1924
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
PROVISIONAL ORDER BILLS (Standing Orders applicable thereto complied with).
Mr. TREVELYAN THOMSON: 1. asked the Minister of Pensions if he will take steps to have the Royal Warrants so amended that local pensions committees may, if they think fit, authorise the payment...
2. asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that Littlehampton ex-service men are being sent to Portsmouth for medical examination at great and unnecessary expense to the public and...
3. asked the Minister of Pensions, whether he will arrange for the codification of the Pensions Acts and regulations and publish them together with a comprehensive index?
5. asked the Minister of Pensions, the number of men in receipt of a combined award under Article 1,163 of the 1914 Warrant; and whether he will make representations to the Treasury asking that...
11. asked the Minister of Pensions why, in the case of a naval rating whose cause of discharge has recently been altered from demobilised to invalided by the Admiralty, pension has only been...
14. asked the Minister of Pensions what allowances are paid under the regulations of the Special Grants Committee to the children of deceased officers by means of educational grants or otherwise,...
18. asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware of the hardship caused to ex-service men in cases where a final award of, say, 104 weeks and £20, is made, by reason of the fact that the...
20. asked the Minister of Pensions whether proposals are being considered for the abolition of the Scottish Region and the Scottish Pension Issue Office; and whether he is aware that the adoption...
8. asked the Minister of Pensions to what cause is due the reduction announced by him to have taken place under the present Government in the proportion of ex-service men to non ex-service men...
41. asked the Home Secretary if his attention has been directed to a disturbance of a threatening character among the residents of Chapter Road, Willesden, on 8th March, arising from the eviction...
75. asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air why no steps have been taken to establish ex-service draughtsmen employed at the Air Ministry under paragraph 45 of the third Lytton Report?
86. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether a number of competent ex-service men in the Civil Service are under notice to leave during March; and whether he is making any effort to...
90. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury how many temporary ex-service civil servants are at present upon the pool of the Joint Substitution Board awaiting re-allocation; and how many of...
102. asked the Minister of Health the number of ex-service men with their dependants receiving out-relief; the number residing in workhouses; and the number charged to local rates who are in...
Lieut.-Colonel WATTS-MORGAN: 16. asked the Minister of Pensions what was the number of appointments made at salaries of £400 a year and upwards in the Ministry of Pensions during the years...
The following question stood on the Order Paper in the name of 51. "To ask the Prime Minister whether he is aware that many Members of this House, anxious not to overload the Order Paper with...
78. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is prepared to grant full civil rights to civil servants on the lines of the Admiralty concessions to the men of the lower deck?
87. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is now in a position to state that the Government have decided to grant sick pay to temporary messengers and minor grades?
88. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that last October a number of Ushers and other attendants at the High Court of Justice, who had 40 years of service to their...
25. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is satisfied that the arrangements which are being made for this year's cup final at Wembley will be sufficient to prevent the...
27. asked the Home Secretary whether he will consider the abolition of the special branch of the Criminal Investigation Department as a separate organisation, and transfer the staff to the...
43. asked the Home Secretary what staff of the Metropolitan Police is employed at headquarters in dealing with the licensing of motor omnibuses and cabs for the London area; and can he give the...
55. asked the Home Secretary whether he can see his way to issue instructions to all chiefs of police that applications for change of duties submitted by police officers for the purpose of...
57. asked the Home Secretary which cities or police force have adopted white overall coats for officers employed on point duty?
44. asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to an order issued by the Chief Commissioner of the City of London Police which requires married constables and officers to live...
28. asked the Home Secretary whether, when he gave instructions for the Circular dated the 9th February to the Clerks to the Justices, he was aware of the practice of Justices sitting by rota;...
29. asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that where a workman agrees to go before a medical referee in terms of Section 10, paragraph (1), of the principal Act (1906) he, the workman, is now...
30. asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that there are in Wormwood Scrubs Prison over 15 inmates, in Wandsworth Prison over 30 inmates, and in Pentonville Prison over 20 inmates, all...
31. asked the Home Secretary if he will state the number of aliens granted permits to land in this country for the purpose of residence during February, 1923, and February, 1924, respectively?
33. asked the Home Secretary whether he proposes to initiate legislation based upon the Report of the Royal Commission on Fire Brigades and Fire Protection?
35. asked the Homo Secretary whether any representations have been made to him as to the cost of printing two registers of electors per annum instead of one, as formerly; and whether he...
36. asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the fact that the system under which alleged lunatics are apprehended and interned in asylums was not in question in the case of Harnett v. Bond...
38. asked the Home Secretary whether the three men about whom Scotland Yard recently issued a warning, and who escaped from a prison in the United States and are now in this country, were...
39. asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the 1918 inquiry by a Whitley Council which resolved that night work be abolished in the bread and flour bakeries between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., with...
40. asked the Home Secretary whether he proposes to lay the Report of the proceedings of the Conference regarding the dates of summer time recently held with representatives of France, Belgium...
45. asked the Prime Minister whether a copy of the recent Speyer agreement, in reference to the condition of affairs in the Palatinate, which was signed by a representative of Great Britain, will...
47. asked the Prime Minister whether arrangements have yet been made to secure some payment on account for those British subjects who had trading interests and suffered loss through the German...
48. asked the Prime Minister whether instructions have recently been sent to His Majesty's Ambassador in Paris relative to his attendance on the Ambassadors' Conference; whether he continues to...
46. asked the Prime Minister whether he will refer to the League of Nations for their arbitration a pronouncement as to the legal status of Montenegro, and as to whether this status has been...
49. asked the Prime Minister whether the allusion to armaments in Western France contained in his recent communication to Monsieur Poincaré referred to long-distance guns said to have been...
53. asked the Home Secretary whether future appointments of prison governors and deputy prison governors will be confined to applicants who have gained experience by passing through the lower...
54. asked the Home Secretary whether special steps are being taken to deal with gaming and other disorderly houses run by Chinese in London, Liverpool and other large cities?
Mr. T. THOMSON: 60. asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that at the present time only two English education authorities outside the...
61. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he has had any representations from any local education authorities asking him to take steps to empower local education authorities to...
62. asked the President of the Board of Education what is his attitude towards the rule now being applied in London elementary schools requiring headmasters of all elementary schools with less...
63. asked the President of the Board of Education whether a successor to the late Sir Owen M. Edwards, chief inspector of secondary schools in Wales, who died in May, 1920, has yet been...
64. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware that the London County Council elementary day school at High Street, Bromley-by-Bow, was condemned as unsuitable and...
65. asked the President of the Board of Education why the Rushock church school, which is within the Kidderminster district education area, has been closed, considering that until the...
66. asked the President of the Board of Education whether, seeing that the present scale of increments in teachers' salaries, which enables the maximum to be reached in 12 years, has worked to...
67. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he has been able to investigate the circumstances resultant from the issue of Circular 1297 in January, 1923, which laid down that the...
68. asked the President of the Board of Education if the Board of Education have sanctioned generally the arrangements for the interchange of teachers by which the salaries of English teachers...
69. asked the President of the Board of Education what is the attitude of the Board to school journeys; and whether he is prepared to recognise for grant expenditure on them by local education...
70. asked the President of the Board of Education if he is aware that, in the recently amended scheme for the Wellingborough grammar school, the Northamptonshire County Education Committee...
72. asked the President of the Board of Education whether the recommendation of the Departmental Committee of scholarships and free places in their Report issued in 1920, expressing the view that...
71. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he will consider arranging for the free admission of school children who wish to visit the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley as...
77. asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether he is able to give any approximate date when the Government will arrive at a decision with reference to the Burney airship scheme?
80. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in the commutation of perpetual pensions in past years, any better terms have been secured for the Treasury than those upon which it is proposed...
81. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer during what period the German Government reimbursed German exporters of goods to this country by means of gold mark bonds for the charge under the German...
83. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the number of clockwork gramophone motors and also other gramophone parts imported during the years 1921, 1922, and 1923, and the amount of duty...
82. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the number and value of motor-cars and motor-car parts imported from Canada during the years 1921, 1922, and 1923; and the approximate amount of duty...
85. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether, seeing that the attendance of the public at the Tate Gallery during 1923 was 50,000 fewer than in 1913, and that the annual cost of the...
89. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury how much revenue has been derived from the sale of war stores in the current financial year; how much of these surplus war stores remain in the...
91. asked the Financial Secretary to the Tereasury if he will authorise the payment of old age pensions by post?
96. asked the Minister of Agriculture what is the number of cattle bred and fed in Nottinghamshire that have suffered from foot-and-mouth disease as compared with cattle imported to...
98. asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the rents charged by the London County Council for their post-War houses on the White Hart Lane Estate, Tottenham, are from 4s. 6d. to...
99 and 100. asked the Minister of Health (1) if he has formed any estimate of the number of working-class houses that should be replaced during the decade 1921–31 by reason of their having...
104. asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that a number of families are to be evicted from houses situated in Darlaston Road, Wednesbury, this week-end; that the local council are...
101. asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the Metropolitan Asylums Board are proposing to increase the salaries of the clerk and accountant to that body by £300 per annum,...
103. asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that in the estimate of expenditure for the half-year ending Michaelmas, 1924, presented at the last meeting of the West Ham Board of...
(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Government have any statement to make with regard to the reported seizure of the R.M.S. "Orduna" and the arrest of...
I desire to ask you, Mr. Speaker, whether you are now in a position to give a reply to the question raised some days ago as to the rule whereby the salaries of Members date from the taking of the...
Can the Deputy Leader of the House state what the business next week will be, and perhaps at the same time he will be good enough to explain, when he moves his Resolution suspending the Eleven...
I beg to ask permission to move the Adjournment of the House for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance, namely, "the failure of the Ministry of Health to inquire...
Major John Jacob Astor, commonly called Major the hon. John Jacob Astor, County of Kent (Dover Division).
"to amend the Law of Conveyancing in Scotland," presented by Mr. F. THOMSON; supported by Sir Robert Horne and Lieut.-Colonel Sir John Gilmour; to be large number of families in Wednesbury." 26th...
"to provide for the registration of employers of theatrical performers; and for purposes incidental thereto," presented by Mr. BOWERMAN; supported by Mr. Collins, Mr. John Jones, Mr. William...
Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table.
Mr. NICHOLSON reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee A (added in respect of the Representation of the People Act (1918)...
Order for Committee read.
The Estimates last year were £52,000,000. This year they are £45,000,000. The total number of British troops to be voted this year is 152,592 against 154,536 last year, a reduction of...
The right hon. Gentleman the late Under-Secretary of State, in introducing the Estimates last year, pointed out to the House that our military responsibilities had not diminished since the War. I...
As I have mentioned the steps taken to secure co-operation between the three Services, I think the House would like to know what progress has been made in securing co-operation between the Army...
There remains the question of the maintenance of an Expeditionary Force which can be sent wherever it is required. The right hon. Gentleman the Member for Colchester, when Secretary of State for...
Not only do we require technical personnel if we are going to substitute as far as possible machine power for man power, but such a policy requires a highly efficient Research Department. This is...
I now come to the Territorial Army. The principal facts connected with the Territorial Army can be gathered from page 11 of my memorandum. The actual strength of the Territorial Army has been...
I have tried to sketch the military commitments which we have to meet, the size of the Army with which we have to meet them, and the machines with which the Army fights. I now come to the method...
I have shown that the War Office is taking a great deal of trouble with the training of the Army both in its technical and military aspect and in its more general educational aspect. This...
It would take too long to explain to the House the various developments and economies that have taken place within the administrative services of the War Office, and Members will find some...
Before coming to the War Office Staff I should like to refer to the Lawrence Committee which was set up by my right hon. Friend the Member for Colchester, whose report has now been made public. I...
I now come to the question of the size and cost of the War Office staff. The comparison of cost is between £1,240,800, as now shown in the Vote, or £927,700, if the figures in the Vote...
I beg to move, to leave out from the word "That", to the end of the Question, and to add instead thereof the words in the opinion of this House, professional Ranker Officers of the Army should...
Motion made, and Question proposed, That a number of Land Forces, not exceeding 161,600, all ranks, be maintained for the Service of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland at home and...
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Mr. F. Hall.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.