Monday, 10 March 1924
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKEB in the Chair.
Address for "Return of the Expenses of each Candidate at the General Election of December, 1923, in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as declared to the returning officer pursuant to the...
2. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India what action has been taken with regard to the 700 men detained over the affair at Jaito, in Nabha State of the Punjab; whether his attention has...
6. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he is now in a position to state when the Report or an interim Report by the Lee Commission on the Indian public services will be published?
8. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India why the Indian Government did not insist on the surrender of the Kohat gang of murderers; and what guarantee the Government of India have that the...
10. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been called to the fact that attempts are being made in Darjeeling to recruit a troupe of Lama devil dancers to perform...
11. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the Government of India or the Secretary of State for India has received a request from representative men in India asking that a...
15. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether he can now state what steps have been taken to re-open the American Consulate at Newcastle-on-Tyne; and if these measures have been...
12. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he can give a date on which our troops will leave Iraq?
13. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to the numerous resignations of officials in the administration of Palestine; and can he state the reason?
16 and 40. asked (1) the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if any further steps have been taken in connection with the settlement of the questions of Jubaland and the Dodecanese; (2) the...
18. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what are the new regulations that have been issued by the American Government with regard to the landing of all second-class alien passengers...
19. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the reasons for the delay in carrying out the draft agreement reached at the Washington Conference in favour of calling a special conference...
20. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is intended to lay before Parliament the Report of Mr. Clive, the British Consul-General at Munich, on his recent visit to the...
21. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Rhineland High Commission has sanctioned the extension to occupied territory of the ordinances or regulations of the German...
23. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs under what circumstances Article 112 of the Treaty of Sèvres was not reproduced in Article 18 of the Treaty of Lausanne; and whether he...
39. asked the Prime Minister whether arrangements are being made for a meeting between himself and the French Premier following on the exchange of letters published in the Press last Monday, 3rd...
22. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if any official representations to the Belgian Government are contemplated by His Majesty's Government relative to the "Australia"-"Nautilus"...
26 and 27. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) whether his attention has been called to the fact that British owners have been informed by the Turkish Government that British...
35. asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the contemplated extinction of the Kalifate by the Turks, he will consider the desirability of issuing a statement of the fact for the information...
28. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will circulate a White Paper showing the judicial system obtaining in the Union of Soviet Republics for the assistance of British...
34. asked the Prime Minister where the members of the Russian delegation shortly coming to London will be accommodated; and whether they will be the guests of His Majesty's Government?
29. asked the Prime Minister whether it is still proposed by His Majesty's Government to complete the land purchase in Northern Ireland and to guarantee the principal and interest of bonds issued...
30. asked the Prime Minister the intentions of the Government regarding the question of free railway passes between the House and the constituencies represented by hon. Members; and if he is...
33. asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the large number of Civil Service questions brought to the notice of Members of the House and the Civil Service problems now...
36. asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that many ex-service men, many of them disabled, employed in the Civil Service on a temporary basis, are either under notice of discharge or...
102. asked the First Commissioner of Works, in view of the large number of disabled ex-service trainees in the electrical industry who are unemployed and the difficulty experienced by the...
37. asked the Prime Minister whether any steps are being taken to enable the Solicitor-General to become a Member of the House?
38. asked the Prime Minister whether he can announce the terms of reference of the Royal Commission on National Insurance?
43. asked the Prime Minister whether he has now come to a decision as to the promised inquiry into the questions of lunacy law and administration raised by the case of Harnett v. Bond; and...
45. asked the Prime Minister whether he proposes to introduce legislation for the nationalisation of banks?
40. asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the fact that the draft treaty of mutual assistance submitted for the consideration of Governments by the last assembly of the League of Nations...
47. asked the Prime Minister whether he can now make any further statement concerning the Government's attitude to the Rent Restrictions Bill which has been committed to Standing Committee A?
48. asked the Prime Minister if he can state when the Pre-War Pensioners Amendment Bill will be brought in; if such amending Bill will be retrospective; if he is aware that in the meantime a...
50. asked the Prime Minister if the Government proposes to take any action to secure peace in vital industries which are now in such a state of unrest as to seriously threaten the welfare of the...
51. asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that in their final Report the Royal Commission on Compensation for Suffering and Damage by Enemy Action state that the total amounts of claims...
53 and 54. asked the Prime Minister (1) whether since the Government assumed office there has been any further exchange of views with the various Dominions concerned on the subject of the...
62. asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that numbers of candidates at the recent election were unable to place their views before the electorate owing to organised interruption; and...
65. asked the Prime Minister whether, having regard to the large numbers of people who are still unemployed in this country, he proposes to introduce legislation to limit or control expenditure...
Sir F. HALL: 66. asked the Prime Minister whether the programme of educational reforms recently outlined by the President of the Board of Education has received the approval of the Cabinet;...
67. asked the Prime Minister whether he will obtain and lay upon the Table of this House a copy of the Report drawn up by Mr. Van Der Gracht of the proceedings of the American Association of...
68. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether an appeal to a third party is provided for in case of dispute under the agreements between the British Phosphate Commission and Chinese...
69. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what is the present position regarding the importation of spirits into West Africa for the use of the native population; and whether he is able...
70. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether requests have been received from the chambers of commerce of West Africa for the appointment of a Committee of Inquiry into the...
73. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the owners of the land, including the foreshores, taken for the purpose of the Takoradi harbour works have been compensated; and, if not,...
75. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the investigation into the position of the Masai tribes in Kenya Colony, promised by the Secretary of State for the Colonies on the 9th...
76. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has set up the Committee to report on the extension of railways in Nyasaland; what are the terms of reference; and what is the...
78. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he proposes submitting to the Governors of the tropical dependencies the conclusions and recommendations of the Private Enterprise...
79. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the cost of administering Wei-hai-wei for the last 10 years, indicating in each year the loss which has been made up by British taxation?
80. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what Colonies and Protectorates have agreed to date to contribute out of their revenues to the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in...
81. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the court of appeal to which claimants for compensation for damage to property are entitled to appeal from decisions of the county courts...
82. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has received any resolutions from British Guiana, Trinidad, Barbados, or Jamaica
85. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department the amount of cotton bought in the United States of America, respectively, by Great Britain and Germany in the last five...
86. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that in the original outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease at Farnsfield, Nottinghamshire, about a fortnight ago, 34 cattle were found...
87. asked the Minister of Agriculture, how many agricultural credit societies are now in existence; and whether he can state the total sum which has been advanced to farmers through these...
88. asked the Minister of Agriculture if, in view of the high postal rates, he is prepared to inquire into the possibility of greater facilities being given for the transport of agricultural...
94. asked the Minister of Agriculture when he proposes to introduce legislation to provide for the regulation of the wages of agricultural labourers?
95. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether the Government is taking any steps to improve the machinery of the existing conciliation committees or whether it is awaiting their intended...
96. asked the Minister of Agriculture if he has under consideration any plans for the amendment of the Agricultural Holdings Act?
98. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that the Public Works Loan Board, in dealing with applications for loans under the Agricultural Credits Act, 1903, make it a condition of...
100. asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware that the holdings of ex-service men engaged in the hen-farming industry in Berwickshire have been ravished by foxes; and will he undertake to...
93. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether and when the Government intend to complete the botanical survey of Great Britain?
91. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that, owing to the Tithe Rent Charge (Rates) Act, 1920, the ratepayers of Panfield parish have been charged an additional rate of 2s. 7d....
104. asked the First Commissioner of Works for what purposes the crypt in the Royal Palace of Westminster has been, and is, used; and under whose control and within whose jurisdiction it is?
(by Private Notice) asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he can give the House any information respecting the reported disturbances said to have taken place in connection with the...
I gave notice earlier in the afternoon that I would raise the question on which my hon. Friend has given me an answer, but I have been asked by the hon. Member for Ross and Cromarty (Mr....
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether the Government is now prepared to lay papers showing in a connected form the different proposals for the settlement of the reparations...
"to confirm a Scheme approved and certified by the Board of Education under The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853, relating to the Female Orphan Asylum, the National Orphan Home, and the Hans Town...
"to authorise the introduction of the Alternative Vote in Parliamentary Elections; and for other purposes connected therewith," presented by Dr. CHAPPLE; supported by Sir Robert Hamilton, Mrs....
"to provide for the registration of theatrical performers; and for puposes incidental thereto," presented by Mr. BOWERMAN; supported by Mr. Patrick Collins, Mr. John Jones, Mr. Morse, and Mr....
"to relieve members of local authorities from disqualification for office," presented by Mr. LORIMER; supported by Mr. Ormsby-Gore, Sir Cyril Cobb, Mr. Penny, Sir Philip Richardson, Sir Philip...
Mr. NICHOLSON reported from the Committee of Selection: That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee A: Captain Wedgwood Benn and Lieut.-Colonel Sir Frederick Hall; and...
Resolution reported,
"That a sum, not exceeding £114,733,000, be granted to His Majesty, on account, for or towards defraying the Charges for the following Civil Services and Revenue Departments for the year...
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Mr. F. Hall.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.