Tuesday, 30 March 1920
Private Bills (Standing Orders not previously inquired into complied with),—Mr. SPEAKER laid upon the Table Report from one of the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, That, in the...
"to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Minister of Health relating to Birkenhead, Carlisle, Carnarvon, Llandudno, Luton, Southampton, Stockton-on-Tees, and Weston-super-Mare," presented by...
1. asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can make any statement with regard to the situation in North Palestine and the position of the Jewish Colonists there; whether...
5. asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many signatures Lord Milner has succeeded in obtaining from representative Egyptians in favour of the continuance of the British...
2. asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is proposed to send further Entente missions to Vienna to supervise the demobilistion of the Army and Navy; whether five...
9. asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is possible to state what was the approximate total national annual income of Germany from November, 1918, to November, 1919;...
11. asked the Secretary of State for War what has been done with artillery of all kinds surplus to establishments?
12. asked the Secretary of State for War under what law lads of 17 years of age are retained in the Army against the wish of their parents?
13. asked the Secretary of State for War if it would be possible to recognise the actual war service of pre-War Territorials by the grant of a decoration in place of a medal for the same purpose,...
14. asked the Secretary of State for War the reason why the War Office confiscates the property of dead soldiers by refusing to hand over their pay-books to their next of kin; whether there is...
15. asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to the public appeals being made, in connection with the Nation's Fund for Nurses, for charity for nurses who gave...
16. asked the Secretary of State for War how many non-regular chaplains are now serving with the Church of England branch of the Royal Army Chaplains Department; what is the cost and strength of...
17. asked the Secretary of State for War, if it is now possible to give, in the Monthly Army List, information on such subjects as the stations of battalions and brigades of artillery and the...
18. asked the Secretary of State for War whether, considering that officers of the British Army, the Navy, and the Air Force, all drew full pay during the whole time they were prisoners of War,...
Captain BROWN: 20. asked the Secretary of State for War if the expense of retaining the senior officers' school is unavoidable, seeing that there is a large surplus of officers available who have...
Major HENDERSON: 23. asked the Secretary of State for War whether it has been decided to terminate on 31st March the commissions of all Special Reserve officers, other than those who were...
26. asked the Secretary of State for War how many officers who are anxious for release from military service have been refused on the grounds that they were not eligible for release until the...
28. asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what has been the cost of stationery and literature for the Army educational scheme?
Lieut.-Colonel MALONE: 30. asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry, if he is yet in a position to make a statement concerning the findings of the Advisory Committee which is...
31. asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry how many hours solo flying was accomplished by each of the officers at present serving in the Air Ministry who were granted their wings...
33. asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry whether he can say what is going to be done with the semi-completed aerodrome at Cramlington, Northumberland; what number of houses are...
21. asked the Secretary of State for War whether British military missions are still in South Russia and in Siberia, respectively: if so, what functions they are performing at the present time;...
22. asked the Secretary of State for War what is the acreage of the military camp on Wimbledon Common, of the use of which the common ratepayers and the public have been deprived for over five...
27. asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether any decision has been arrived at in regard to the revision of rates for commutation of pension by warrant officers and men to bring...
54. asked the Pensions Minister whether he will give additional powers to local war pensions committees to continue the allowances of motherless children of demobilised and discharged men from...
55. asked the Pensions Minister if his attention has been drawn to the case of Mrs. Atkins, of Pasture Road, Burton-on-Humber, who had two sons killed in the War, a third disabled, and a daughter...
97. asked the Secretary of State for India whether he is yet in a position to state the new rates of pensions for Indian Army officers; and, if not, when he expects to be able to do so?
29. asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry whether any steps have been taken or are in contemplation to make an aerial photographic survey of the whole or, at any rate, the more...
34. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether His Majesty's Government has been approached for the necessary permission to admit starving children from Central Europe to...
Mr. TREVELYAN THOMSON: 35. asked the Home Secretary if he will state the average number of yearly accidents due to collisions between ordinary pedal bicycles and motor vehicles before and after...
39. asked why Alderman William O'Brien has not been released from prison in order that he might contest the Parliamentary division of Stockport, for which he was nominated as a candidate; why Mr....
40. asked whether any instructions have been issued to local police authorities to raise a new body of special police from ex-service men, or whether it is within his knowledge that any such...
44. asked the Pensions Minister whether he is aware that discharged soldiers who have been wounded or who have contracted disease during their service in the Army, and are consequently unfit to...
81. asked the Minister of Health if he will alter the present Regulations concerning men who are receiving treatment in Poor Law institutions so that the men should be given the choice of cither...
41. asked the Home Secretary when he intends to introduce legislation to give effect to the recommendations contained in the Second Report issued by Lord Desborough's Committee?
42. asked how many young persons are now being employed in the evening or at night contrary to the Factory and Workshop Acts but under powers of exemption possessed by the Home Office under the...
43. asked the Home Secretary whether he proposes to introduce legislation on the lines suggested by the Report of the Committee issued several months ago on the subject of the protection of...
47. asked the Prime Minister when he proposes to appoint the Committee to examine into and report upon rent profiteering; whether he is aware that much social and financial unrest is prevalent in...
49. asked whether an offer of ships has been made to the Dominion Government of Canada, and has it been accepted; is he aware that the Government of Canada has ordered the demobilisation of the...
50. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if, in any alteration of the Income Tax, he will consider the position of unmarried persons, who are householders and, in many cases, have relatives...
51. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that outside stockbrokers are advertising the £1 ordinary shares of the British Cellulose and Chemical Manufacturing (Parent)...
Lieut.-Colonel BUCKLEY: 52. asked to what extent the use of cheques has increased during the past five years; and whether he has any official information showing whether the issue of Treasury...
53. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he proposes to introduce the Budget?
56 asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller (1) how many Swedish steamers are at present held up in United Kingdom ports for lack of bunkers, and for how many days in each...
88. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn by the Enfield District Council to the totally inadequate supply of coal forwarded to this area; whether he is...
58. asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that the statutory fees payable to registrars in Scotland have been unaltered for half a century; and whether it is proposed to take steps...
59. asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he has received any representations from local authorities in Scotland with respect to the restrictions imposed by the Board of Health on the height...
Major MURRAY: 61. asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that unemployment prevails in Dumfries to a considerable extent; whether he will take measures to alleviate the same; and,...
Major MURRAY: 66. asked the Secretary for Scotland whether the Departments concerned have now fixed the price at which the land designed for small holdings in the neighbourhood of the Gretna...
67. asked whether the road closed under the Defence of the Realm Act between Kenmore and Fearnan has been reopened for traffic; and, if not, when this will be done?
69. asked when the medical benefit regulations for Scotland will be published and circulated among the medical profession?
70. asked the Minister of Food why the caterers have to pay full consumers' prices for all goods which they retail to the workers; and who is responsible for the Order?
71. asked if bakers and confectioners are allowed to use stocks of flour purchased at 44s. 3d. per sack of 280 lbs. for the manufacture of buns and confectionery without a surcharge of 19s. 3d....
72. asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that there is difficulty in securing supplies of frozen meat by wholesale dealers in Newcastle and district; and can it be arranged for such...
73. asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that in Hull and other fishing ports a serious shortage of ice is threatened in the summer; and what steps he proposes to take to secure the adequate...
75. asked the Minister of Food when the restriction of hours for the sale of ice cream will be removed?
76. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can state the total amount levied on producers of milk in the south-western counties by the operation of the differential...
77. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has received any recommendation from the Governors of British East Africa and Uganda on the subject of the policy that should be...
78. asked the First Commissioner of Works on what terms the Royal Zoological Society hold a portion of Regent's Park; when the arrangement will next come under review with the object of renewing...
80. asked the President of the Board of Education how many inspectors of physical training have now been appointed; and when it is expected that the full staff of one man inspector for boys and...
82 asked the Minister of Transport, (1) if he is aware that the port charges upon a ship and her cargo from a distant port are some hundreds of pounds sterling greater at Liverpool than at Hull...
85. asked the Minister of Transport whether any decision has been reached for cheap railway facilities being granted to camping parties of scouts, boys' brigades, and similar organisations of...
86. asked the Minister of Transport if he will endeavour to get the pre-War train service restarted between Durham and Barnard Castle, and between Blackhill and Durham, as the present service is...
38. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department when he proposes to abolish the necessity for obtaining passports by persons who desire to travel from England to the Channel Islands and...
89. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the members of the Sub-committee appointed to investigate petrol and benzol prices possessed an intimate knowledge of the trade; and, if not,...
93. asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware that the only public telephone call-box in West Gorton, Manchester, is situate in the public library, and is, in consequence, not available for...
94. asked the Postmaster-General whether the Post Office authorities can undertake to give information when required to holders of war savings certificates as to the amounts of their holdings in...
(by Private Notice) asked the Parliamentary Secretary whether it is a fact that 68 members of the staff of the Ordnance Survey employed at Southampton are under notice to leave to-morrow, though...
(by Private Notice) asked the Chief Secreary whether Mr. Alan Bell was under police protection at the time of his murder; and, if not, for what reason?
(by Private Notice) asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether news has been received that the town of Hadjin in Cilicia is in great danger of destruction by Turkish bands;...
(by Private Notice) asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will state to the House the procedure which will be adopted to carry out his proposal that the decision whether the Home Rule Bill shall be...
Can the Leader of the House say when the House will reassemble after the Recess, and what business he proposes to take on the first and the ensuing days?
Return Ordered, "showing the amount of public money invested in registered companies by His Majesty's Government; the names of the companies and the amounts invested in each company; and the...
"to consolidate and amend enactments relating to housing, town-planning, garden cities, the acquisition of small dwellings, public health, and certain officers, inspectors, and committees, and to...
"to further amend the Law as to the Letting and Rating of small dwelling houses in Scotland," presented by Mr. MUNRO; supported by the Lord Advocate; to be read a second time To-morrow, and to be...
"to make provision for the management of the Imperial War Museum; and for other purposes connected therewith," presented by Sir ALFRED MOND; supported by Mr. Baldwin; to be read a second time...
"to make further provision for the temporary modification of the charges which may be made in respect of and the obligations affecting tramway undertakings," presented by Sir ERIC GEDDES;...
Reported, with Amendments, from Standing Committee B.
Resolutions reported from the Select Committee; 1. "That, in the case of the Humber Commercial Railway and Dock [Lords], Petition for Bill, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed...
That they have agreed to,
Order read for resuming Adjourned Debate on Amendment to Question [29th March] "That the Bill be now read a Second time."
Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed—
Read a Second time, and committed to a Standing Committee.
Read a Second time, and committed to a Standing Committee.
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Sir R. Sanders.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.