Results 1–20 of 2839 for speaker:Mr John McGovern

Malta ( 1 Apr 1958)

Mr John McGovern: He wants a dowry.

Suez Canal (15 May 1957)

Mr John McGovern: I have listened to the speeches made by the Leader of the Opposition and by the Prime Minister and I must confess that the speech made by the Leader of the Opposition was clear, concise and to the point. I really am disappointed with the speech made by the Prime Minister. I think that he evaded most of the real issues in connection with the Suez Canal and the disastrous consequences that have...

Suez Canal (15 May 1957)

Mr John McGovern: There are even hon. Members who might not want a cup of tea with other hon. Members. That proves nothing. We talk of the use of force and of the hydrogen bomb and fail to realise that that is not the real danger in the Middle East or the Far East. The grave danger at present is the buying of the military high commands by Russia to get internal control of each country, to obviate the attacks...

Suez Canal (15 May 1957)

Mr John McGovern: In 1954. The details are published with pictures in an American book. Then the authorities took action, after getting the printing press, to discover a large number of people who were connected with it. Let me give a further example of something that happened to a man who had charge of the oil wells, so as to drive home my story. A man called Mobigar, a Parliamentarian, was in the arena as a...

Suez Canal (15 May 1957)

Mr John McGovern: I should have thought that the hon. Member would have realised that Communists pay very little attention to the parliamentary arena. They pay attention to the workshop, because those who control the means to govern control the nation. Therefore, if they leave the parliamentary arena to politicians and get complete control in the workshops they are destined to take over power in the end. I am...

Suez Canal (15 May 1957)

Mr John McGovern: I am trying to show that another approach must be made to the problems of our day and that all the weapons and all the ideas we have at present have failed. A new approach is essential. I come to the point by stating something which does not endear itself to a large number of people, even in this House—a moral rearmament approach. I believe that if we are to build a new world we should go...

Oral Answers to Questions — Coal: Smokeless Fuels (11 Mar 1957)

Mr John McGovern: Does the Minister realise that, while there is a great appreciation of smokeless fuel, very little can be had in the Glasgow area?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration (11 Mar 1957)

Mr John McGovern: Will the right hon. Gentleman ask the Prime Minister also to receive a delegation of old-age pensioners in order that they may state their case at No. 10 Downing Street?

Orders of the Day — Homicide Bill: Clause 5. — (Death Penalty for Certain Murders.) (24 Jan 1957)

Mr John McGovern: I have not spoken in the House for some time, and I had no intention of taking part in this debate, although I have been following the progress of the various Measures for the abolition of capital punishment, supporting them strongly in the Lobby. I can understand the differences of opinion in regard to capital punishment, but on this question now before the Committee as to the difference...

Orders of the Day — GLASGOW CORPORATION BILL (By Order) (24 Apr 1956)

Mr John McGovern: I have listened with interest, to a number of speeches made by hon. Members opposite. The hon. Member for Cathcart (Mr. J. Henderson) paid a very fine tribute to men who, if they had been attacked individually in the House, would have been justified by the speech which he made. But no attack was being made on the individuals at all, and no criticism was being made of them. The hon. Member...

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: Peterhead Prison (13 Mar 1956)

Mr John McGovern: Is it not a sad reflection on the administration that out of more than 100 complaints, note has been taken of only those relating to a varied diet, after there had been almost a mutiny in the prison? Is the Joint Under-Secretary aware that even prisoners who have come out of this prison have given up all hope of being able to get any redress of their grievances? Is that not a dangerous state...

Oral Answers to Questions — Employment: Shettleston ( 6 Mar 1956)

Mr John McGovern: asked the Minister of Labour the number of men and women, respectively, who are at present unemployed in the Shettleston Division of Glasgow; the numbers under fifty-five years of age; and the numbers over fifty-five years of age.

Oral Answers to Questions — Employment: Shettleston ( 6 Mar 1956)

Mr John McGovern: In view of the difficulty of obtaining employment for people over fifty-five years of age, would the Minister instruct the employment exchange managers to see that special attention is given to people over that age?

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: Nurses, Glasgow (Recruitment) ( 6 Mar 1956)

Mr John McGovern: asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of nurses at present required in Glasgow: and what proposals are made to overcome the shortage.

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: Nurses, Glasgow (Recruitment) ( 6 Mar 1956)

Mr John McGovern: Has the right hon. Gentleman considered the advisability of the recruitment of foreign labour? Is he aware that a very large number of young Italian girls could be recruited for this work?

Oral Answers to Questions — Housing, Scotland: Collapsed Buildings (Casualties) ( 6 Mar 1956)

Mr John McGovern: asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many persons have been killed or injured by the collapse of dwellinghouses in Glasgow in each year since 1945.

Cyprus (Situation) ( 5 Mar 1956)

Mr John McGovern: In view of the great dangers, both in this issue and in the issues in the Middle East generally, would it not be greater statesmanship if the leaders of the three parties got together to try to find a solution to these difficult problems?

Her Majesty's Return from Nigeria (20 Feb 1956)

Mr John McGovern: I am taking the unusual course of associating myself completely with this welcome to Her Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. I was privileged to be in Nigeria when Her Majesty and His Royal Highness came to Lagos, and I had the unusual privilege of seeing them and the population of Nigeria on many occasions. I think that the welcome given them was unprecedented in...

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: Peterhead Prison (24 Jan 1956)

Mr John McGovern: Is the hon. Gentleman aware that I myself have at the present time six or seven letters of complaint from prisoners, which letters I am sending on to the Secretary of State in addition to others which I have sent on, and that there is general discontent? Is the hon. Gentleman aware that ex-prisoners have come to see me at my home in Glasgow, after their release, to voice the discontent which...

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